Power to Choose will help consumers filter out electricity plans charging “minimum use fees”

Fuel Fix - Houston Chronicle Posted on July 30, 2015 | By Jordan Blum

Many Texas residents are often unaware of so-called “minimum use fees” in their electricity plans until they receive extra charges for not using enough power in a given month.

So the Public Utility Commission of Texas will add an online filter to help consumers weed out such plans on the state’s Power to Choose website. Many of the seemingly cheapest plans include minimum use fees that increase rates when customers go above or below certain levels of electricity usage each month.

“If we can find a way to lessen confusion, we’ll do that,” said PUC spokesman Terry Hadley, adding that some companies “probably” do intentionally mislead shoppers.

The website will add the filter in the next three or four months when it is finalized, he said, although he noted that companies already are required to reveal the fees. Once the filter is added, shoppers will be able to shop only for plans without such fees or vice versa.

“We’re always looking at ways to make enhancements and enforcement,” Hadley said.

A measure aimed at preventing such minimum use fees died in the state legislature this year amid lobbying by electric providers.

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