Global energy use to jump 53%

By Steve HargreavesSeptember 19, 2011: 3:33 PM ET

The Energy Information Administrations says jump in energy use is expected to be driven largely by places like China and India. Renewable energy to grow the most, but fossil fuels still dominate.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Global energy use is expected to jump 53% by 2035, largely driven by strong demand from places like India and China, according to a report Monday.

Combined, developing nations currently use slightly more energy than those in the developed world, according to the U.S. government's Energy Information Administration. By 2035, they are expected to use double.

"Concerns about fiscal sustainability and financial turbulence suggest that economic recovery in the [developed] countries will not be accompanied by the higher growth rates associated with past recoveries," the report said. "In contrast, growth remains high in many emerging economies, in part driven by strong capital inflows and high commodity prices."

The 53% rise is slightly more than the 49% increase the agency predicted in last year's report.

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